The environment, our DNA

The entreprise à mission status is clearly defined. SEVⓔ makes an undertaking to its employees, shareholders, and customers that it will promote the environmental, digital, and social transitions of cities by giving them access to smart, responsible technologies.

SEVe cas d'usage

Protecting the planet's resources and managing them sustainably

Energy, air, water, climate, materials, biodiversity
SEve environnement fillette

Improving the quality of the local environment

Sanitary quality, reducing nuisances and risks
SEVe environnement famille

Improving social equity

By improving the universal accessibility of community services and facilities and by fighting against social and environmental inequalities
SEVe environnement village

Improving equity and cohesion between regions

On a neighbourhood scale, but also on a sub-municipal level

Objective: sustainable development

Communities are under financial pressure

The rise in energy prices has soared, and this affects the financial prospects of communities, which are also being subjected to budget cuts year after year. It’s the same story everywhere: electricity bills rose by 55 to 100% in 2022, sending budgets above the minimum necessary for a quality public service.
Meanwhile, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports are alarming.

The good news is that there are now widely-available solutions to limit our ecological impact and reduce our consumption.

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